Maarja Lall therapy

Self worth / Self acceptance / Self empowerment

Being an empath or an HSP / Sensitivity / Nervous system regulation

Dissociation / PTSD / Developmental trauma / Inner void /

Relationship patterns / Attachment / Anger / Gaslighting /

Releasing resistance / Blocks to taking action /

Insecurity / Boundaries / Co-dependency / Guilt / Shame /

 Isolation / Anxiety / Fear / Social anxiety /


Parts Work Therapy session

Parts work therapy is about engaging with facets of Self (parts of Self) that may be consciously or unconsciously affecting your behavior, choices, and life patterns. We all have parts of ourselves that have different thoughts, feelings and opinions about the same thing. When you get to know the complexity and uniqueness of your internal landscape, it allows you to untangle habitually stuck patterns and internal conflicts that may be playing out in your life. 

It’s also about reclaiming parts that have been disowned and disavowed throughout your life experience, so that you may feel less fragmented, confused or stuck, and tap into a sense of self-awareness, self-compassion, self-acceptance and self care. Parts work therapy is an excellent way to repair relational wounds (any issues you are facing in your relationships). Resolution of a part of us helps us shift into a better place as a whole, like puzzle pieces coming back together, bringing clarity, resolution and coherence. When you work with the parts of yourself, you develop an embodied sense of self, and increase your capacity for greater complexity within.

Duration: 2h

More information on Parts Therapy here: /sessions/parts-work-therapy

Somatic Experiencing® session

Somatic Experiencing is a body-oriented approach to heal trauma. Our nervous system plays a crucial role in the development and maintenance of trauma-and stress-induced symptoms. In the SE session, we will work with the nervous system dysregulation through body-first approach. This means that we will be dropping underneath the story in the mind and become curious to the story that the body is telling. Most of the times, initial sessions will focus on increasing resilience by building capacity to resource oneself. Once there is a clear ability to contain charge, we will work on the trauma symptoms.

In SE we build your nervous system capacity so that you process at a pace that is integrating and not overwhelming to your system. In some of the sessions, there may be touch-work included, depending on mutual agreement and if we get to meet in person for the sessions. SE is safe, effective and profound method to help you shift the symptoms you’re experiencing. It helps you find resolution and expand your own container for life experience.

Duration: 1h

More information on SE here: /sessions/somatic-experiencing


A free intro call for new clients:

All new clients are asked to book an intro call that is a free 15min call where we get to meet and have a conversation about working together. It is a great opportunity to ask me questions. Before the first session, I will also ask you to fill out an intake form in your own time. We will discuss the best arrangement for our work together either in the intro call and at the first session. Intro call and the intake form will save us time and allow us to dive into the process straight away when we meet for the first session.

Book a free intro call here:


You can see pricing here: /sessions/prices

Where will the session be held?

  • Online sessions will be held via Zoom, Skype or Jitsi -  the link will be shared with you once I've confirmed your booking. Telephone can also be used.
  • In person sessions are held in Telliskivi - Tallinn, Estonia. Home visit sessions (in Tallinn) have different pricing and will be agreed upon individually.

How do I book a session?  

If you are a new client, please book an intro call first, using the link above. If you are a returning client, you are welcome to send me a message here: /contact

Have another question?

Feel free to reach out to me or check out the section on frequently asked questions here: /faq 


Alexandra, Slovakia

“I reached out to Maarja in 2021 when I was looking for a parts work practitioner that would help me with my inner critic. At that time, I felt like I was fighting with myself and losing. My life was a stressful pressure cooker, my old strategies didn't work anymore and the stress was resulting in more and more health issues (me? burnout? noo). I considered myself a self-aware person, spending almost 10 years psycho-analyzing myself, but not feeling any better. I was trying to solve myself and my emotions like a problem. I understood that it was time for this Miss Independent to ask for help for once.

Over the last 3 years, Maarja has guided me through actually feeling my own emotions and re-owning my authentic self part by part. She is a very present and attuned therapist (that I sometimes suspected of being a mind reader). I always felt understood and safe to express myself fully, even my silly humor.

Working with her has been the best investment of my life so far and the benefits are tangible in every single area of my life (I really mean this a 1000%). I got to not only heal tons of my trauma but also learn valuable skills that will keep paying me interest in the future. I was very lucky to find such an excellent match on the first try! I can recommend Maarja with all my heart.“

Teele, Eesti

Töötasin koos Maarjaga iganädalaselt pool aastat järjest alustades näost-näkku sessioonidega ja hiljem online-sessioonidega. Kui alguspunktiks oli üks pime ja segane koht, siis meie viimaseks sessiooniks olin ma vahetanud nii töökoha kui ka elukoha ning ise oluliselt rõõmsam ja elujaatavam. Veel viimasel seansil suutis ta leida üles probleemi allika murele, mis oli mind painanud aastaid ning olin sellega käinud kõiksugustes teraapiates. Meie peamiseks teraapiavormiks oli Somatic Experiencing®, kuid Maarja kombineeris meie sessioonidesse kõiki oma teadmisi, et mind võimalikult hästi toetada.

Maarja tugevusteks on tema võime märgata kõiki pisidetaile, siiras soov aidata ja oskus luua ääretult turvaline ruum. Ma alguses pelgasin, kui efektiivsed saavad olla online-sessioonid, aga tegelikult oli kõik seanid samaväärselt turvalised ja edukad. Tundsin end alati hoitult, toetatuna ja teadsin, et saan Maarjalt jäägitult usaldada.

Mulle meeldis, kui Maarja rääkis aeg-ajalt juurde teooriat, miks me seansi käigus üht või teist tehnikat tegime. See andis mulle lisaks mõistmist, kuidas toimub tervenemine ning miks ma seni olin mingil viisil mõelnud või reageerinud. Iga seansi lõpus kinnitas Maarja üle, kas ma olen tagasi enda keskmes ja tunnen end piisavalt hästi, et ta võib mu omaette jätta. Seansside jooksul veendus ta, et me tegeleme just nii sügavuti, kui ma selleks valmis ja võimeline olin selles hetkes.

Laura, Estonia:

“Maarja has played a truly pivotal role in my life. Through my work with her, I have learned to manage my emotions, face my fears, heal my wounds, challenge my negative beliefs and have truly come to love and accept myself. With her help and guidance, I have been able to align many of my needs and wants and create a life that feels a lot more centered, grounded and joyful. Maarja has provided a safe haven for all of my thoughts, feelings and needs. She is wise beyond her years and intuitively knows to solve problems and challenges where other therapists and methods have failed. I fully and wholeheartedly recommend her to anyone and everyone.“


Frances, Australia:

“In the time since we began our sessions, Maarja has helped me to revolutionize my life. It has been the most valuable journey-work I have ever experienced with a healing facilitator (inclusive of the clinical psychologist I have seen). She has trust that the body knows how to heal itself and that this process does not need to be controlled, pushed, or forced. This trust in the process inspires your own trust in it, and enables you to be more allowing. She has taught me so much about boundaries. She is talented at creating a contained space, a quality that is very important to me in a facilitator. What I have found from Maarja is that she is knowledgeable and skilled at observing what one’s missing experiences are, and she consistently helped me address those needs.“

Silje, Norway:

“I am really grateful that I have found Maarja and are doing sessions with her. I feel respected on a new level, seen and understood. It is a healing experience in and of itself that she makes me feel so seen and heard. I feel she very intuitively guides me through my inner work and knows in which direction to go and also what could be needed. She is also very intelligent and in integrity, which makes me feel safe with her. Another thing is that I feel an earthy feeling from her, which helps me get more grounded. I can highly recommend working with her.“

Lynn, UK:

“Maarja, I would like to thank you with all my heart and the universe for supporting me when I was completely lost and for making me realize how important it is for me to be with myself. And that we can move on and not let our trauma define us. Your approach towards my thoughts, feelings and emotions was very gentle yet very practical. Thanks for also accommodating me around my kids. Truly grateful for your kindness.“

Asia, Germany:

“I had 11 sessions with Maarja. In every session I felt understood, heard and my pain was acknowledged. I would follow Maarja beautifully gentle but firm guidance to go into the darkest places I didn't want to go alone to.
I loved her deep presence, the containment that she provided and consequently how safe and open I felt to express my authenticity in each moment. I feel grateful beyond words.“

Rita, Lithuania:

“Maarja has taken me on this magical journey to the depth of my being and although it’s a deep and profound work in itself which may be scary, I felt completely safe with Maarja. Her grounding presence facilitated the access to different parts of me in a way where I felt supported and unafraid to express myself and feel the scariest/darkest emotions. Being in this safe space has allowed me to have impactful sessions which felt like psychedelic trips without any substances…It’s hard to explain but it’s the most magical experience - every time I would come out of the session I would feel renewed - stronger and more aware.

Overall, I have grown immensely - my subconscious mind now has the space to effortlessly adopt and default to new beliefs about myself which I have been working on with very little success before starting sessions with Maarja. I experience significantly less internal turmoil, less and less anxiety in my daily life. I have a strong sense of self now and I am so much more aware of myself, my emotions and feelings in a moment. I have truly became an observer and now have the space to decide if the immediate reaction is aligned with ME and if not, I can let it go. I can really say that the work I have done with Maarja has been the cornerstone of conscious creation, allowing me to truly change.“

Quentin, France:

“I've started working with Maarja at a point in which I felt that I needed an outside help on my personal journey and it's been really great! What we've done together was practical and that's what I was looking for. A little bit of talking and a lot of action! It's been a crazy journey inside, meeting different parts of me and strong emotions. And Maarja was there with me, saying the right things at the right time and helping me to resolve
some of my issues. She guides you in a way that let's you go at  your own pace, without pressure and with a gentle presence. I would highly recommend her for those who want to dive inside themselves in a safe way with a reassuring therapist.“

Diana, Eesti:

“Maarja toetus kõikide seansside ajal oli mulle suureks abiks. Tänu temale sain ma selgemaks, kuidas oma tunnetega toimida ning tunnen, et tänu sellele saavutasin endaga tugevama kontakti. Ta oskas juhtida mu tähelepanu lahendamist vajavatele teemadele ning leebelt toetada mind nendega tegelemisel. Tunnen end tänu temale kindlamalt enese väljendamisel ning elus edasi liikumisel!“

Alasdair, Scotland

“Working with Maarja has helped me understand myself on an emotional level where previously I could not even begin to connect with my emotions. Throughout our journey I have learned the importance of self soothing, a task I had completely neglected. Having previously been withdrawn from myself I continuously left my needs unattended. The work done has helped me be able to start identifying my needs and how to start working towards meeting them in a healthy way. Having been so disconnected from my emotions it has been through this in depth work I have managed to start identifying with my parts and working to bring them closer together with the help of Maarja.“

Renata, Czech Republic:

I love sessions with Maarja. She is sensitive, understanding ... she feels safe, I trust her completely. She has strong intuition that is a great gift for therapies. Thanks to our therapies I feel more connected to myself, I feel more understood and loved. And moreover, working with her is many times a great fun! I would definitely recommend working with Maarja!“


Jacquelina, Germany:

“Maarja has ability to show unconditional presence with whatever comes up. This made me feel very safe with her. She guided me through every step so I could let myself completely fall into my own process. Maarja's expertise and competent support helped me to have a significant breakthrough in my life, where no one else could help before. Thanks a lot to her!“

Eun-Young, Germany:

“I am so thankful for your warm, loving presence, compassion and guidance through the process. It was for me the first one where I could feel me as the child Eun-Young and take care of it and find resolution. Your suggestion for how to solve, take care and fulfill the needs were so helpful to me. And thank you so much for following your intuition, especially for allowing and giving space to calling the fragmented aspects from that experience back and clearing my energy field. I felt so safe and comfortable with you. I felt very understood and validated by you. And it was for me so important that you gave me all the time and presence to feel into and express it which feels sometimes so hard for me.“

Eva, Netherlands:

“I had 2 sessions with Maarja. I'm so grateful for these transformational sessions. She helped me heal some heavy core wounds through partswork and completion process. She is very gentle and always knows the right things to say and gives you some practical advice to fully integrate the healing in your daily life. Maarja's presence and her ability to fully see me finally allowed me to let go of a lot of grief and sadness I had been carrying my whole life.“

Andrea, Portugal:

“I had online sessions with Maarja for 1,5 year, starting out with meeting once a week and then gradually less and less. Before our work, I was a person who struggled with depression, undefined sadness, deep rooted shame, and a high level of judgement towards myself and my environment. I judged everything and everybody. I spent 5 years in isolation, having no friends, no family, no social life. The only interaction I had with the world was the work environment. I struggled with food addiction, apathy, I had no motivation for life, loss of willingness to create, and being unable to build relationships for years.
By now I have built a sustainable confidence to set boundaries, currently living in a community of 15 people, organizing yoga events of 30-80people, being able to handle previously overwhelming situations, feeling way more alive, broadening my life with new experiences and feeling a call to rebuild my life through different studies, courses and hobbies that make my life meaningful. I'm grateful for the time we did the work and having the chance to do it with Maarja!

Maarja is gifted and she manages well her greatly developed sense of intuition and sense of feeling into needs and mental states, which helped incredibly during the sessions. Her knowledge and desire to unconditionally help, be present and go through the healing process TOGETHER is priceless. I found her trustworthy, honest, patient, compassionate and altruistic. Maarja also has an incredible capacity to hold space in even so called no matter what situations. Even via online transmission.“