Maarja Lall therapy


Parts Work Therapy is a term that covers a number of therapies that view a person as an ecosystem, containing multiplicity of different parts.

For example, you might have a part of you that is completely self-sufficient and yet, there is another part that craves being taken care of. Given that these two parts are in opposition to each other, while existing in the same person, it’s obvious that when one is prioritized, the other can become compromised or suppressed and vice versa. Parts Work Therapy helps the dynamics within the inner system to heal in a way where no part gets bulldozed. This makes it so that the 'whole' (your personality) starts to function in a more cohesive and collaborative, healthy manner.

When you see yourself as a system of these sometimes opposing or conflicting parts, you start to see that the roles of some parts of you developed as adaptations to life experiences. Internal Family Systems brings a good analogy to understand how these experiences can reorganize the system in unhealthy ways:

‘In an alcoholic family, the children are forced into protective and stereotypical roles by the extreme dynamics of their family. While one finds similar sibling roles across alcoholic families (e.g., the scapegoat, golden child, lost child), one does not conclude that those roles represent the essence of those children. Instead, each child is unique and, once released from his or her role by intervention, can find interests and talents separate from the demands of the chaotic family. The same process seems to hold true for internal families - parts are forced into extreme roles by external circumstances and, once it seems safe, they gladly transform into what feels more natural and healthy. What circumstances force these parts into extreme and sometimes destructive roles? Trauma is one factor, such as effects of childhood abuse and neglect. But more often, it is the values and interaction patterns in a person's family of origin, which escalate over time and are played out in other relationships.’

Parts Work helps unhealthy roles that parts have adopted, to readjust and heal. We all hold qualities such as being creative, inclusive, resourceful, and calm, despite the fact that many of us, initially, have very little access to these qualities. Parts Work will also help re-connect to those kind of positive qualities as well as turn any quality that a part has into it's most exalted form.

With practicing Parts integration, you will develop an ‘Aware Self’ (which is not a part) and self-leadership will become the norm for your inner system. You will know through internal communication, what each part of you needs to feel safe, release its burden, and you will be able to provide what the parts need. There will be a point, when you no longer get stuck in individual perspectives. Perspective of a part will still be valid and important, but you will easily and quickly tap into an objective, loving, compassionate stance towards it and towards your inner family in general. This is self love in action!

Parts Work Therapy is very efficient as a tool for releasing resistance to what is wanted. For example, you may have a desire, but you are stuck or feeling there is something that is preventing you from going for it. Chances are you have parts within you that feel resistance to that very thing – with valid reasons. Parts Work helps you become a match to your desire or find clarity as to what it is that you really want.

There are many fields of psychotherapy that facilitate Parts Work; the major fields being Internal Family Systems (IFS), Voice Dialogue and Gestalt. These branches of psychology are well documented and if you are interested in knowing more, then researching those is a great place to start. Or you could simply try this method out for yourself.

Ready to do the work to show up to love, life and possibilities with more clarity, strength and confidence? Parts Work Therapy can help you do that.